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Meet The Region 1 Judges

Region 1 Technical Committee Chair:  Kathie Kanavel
Region 1 Judges Coordinator: Lori Staff


Region 1 2024 Judges 

Meet Reminders

  1. Appropriate dress according to the rules and policies includes skirts or black pants (NO leggings), black jacket (no sweaters), white shirt, black shoes (no sandals, flip flops) and a tie for men. 

  2. MR, DJ and CJP are expected to complete all tariff review responsibilities ON TIME.  

  3. When scoring on KSIS bring a device (computer/tablet) to the meets.

  4. Judges are responsible for bringing copies of execution and artistry forms to all meets.

  5. Arrival time is 1 hour prior to the start of the meet on the first day of the meet.

  6. Discussion about scores does not take place at the judges table during the competition.

  7. All questions are to be directed to the Meet Referee.

  8. Use of cell phones or smart watches at the judges table is not allowed. PLACE ON AIRPLANE MODE

  9. Speaking to coaches, athletes or parents of athletes during the meet is not allowed.

  10. Judges will be assigned to measure athletes at each meet.

  11. The MR is the only person that can talk to coaches about routines should they ask for feedback.  

  12. Judges should come rested and ready out of respect for the athletes.

  13. As judges, above all else, give the benefit of the doubt to the athletes when judging.

Region 1 Acro

Copyright 2022 REGION 1 ACROBATIC GYMNASTICS | All Rights Reserved

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